Mission & Vision – kingsmanassociate.com

Mission & Vision


To empower individuals and businesses to take the best IHT and financial decisions for themselves, their families and businesses for the present and the future.


Our vision is to offer clients a lucid and transparent consultation process, enriched by the expertise of chartered financial planners, seasoned actuaries, and proficient tax advisers, both within the UK and across the globe. Our commitment extends to providing independent guidance when needed, ensuring that each client’s unique needs are met with precision and care. In pursuit of this objective, we may leverage instruments such as QNUPS and other trusts, judiciously applying them where their suitability aligns with the client’s objectives.


Our process commences with an inaugural consultation, a pivotal moment where we delve into the intricacies of our clients’ circumstances, needs, aspirations, and priorities. It is during this exchange that we illustrate how our expertise can be harnessed to address their financial objectives, while also transparently outlining the associated fees.

Contact Information: contact@kingsmanassociate.com

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The Kingsman associate was set up to serve Financial Advisers and their clients with a writing service allowing the adviser to take instructions from their clients in an easy and timely manner.

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